AVS101 Private Pilot Ground School
AVS102 Commercial Pilot Ground School
AVS103 Private Pilot Flight Training |
AVS203 Instrument Pilot Ground School
AVS204 Flight Instructor Ground School
AVS205 Commercial Pilot Flight Training
AVS208 Instrument Pilot Flight Training
AVS212 Human Factors in Flight Operations |
AVS214 Aviation Law and Safety
AVS222 Introduction to Technically Advanced Aircraft
BIO105 Biology 1: General Biology 1
BIO106 Biology 2: General Biology 2
BIO108 The Body in Health and Disease
BIO130 Neotropical Ecology
BIO140 Biology 2: Marine Biology
BIO202 Molecular Biology
BIO209 Introduction to Evolution
BIO211 Anatomy and Physiology 1
BIO212 Anatomy and Physiology 2
BIO214 Microbiology
BQC201 Introduction to Quality Assurance/Quality Control for Drugs and Biologics
BTN201 Basic Laboratory Applications
BTN202 Biotechnology Applications
BTN211 Biotechnology Seminar
CAD105 Computer Aided Design: AutoCAD
CAD106 Computer Aided Design: 3D AutoCAD and Revit
CAD107 Computer Aided Design: SolidWorks
CAD201 CAD/CAM in Design and Technology
CAD203 Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
CBS101 Introduction to Sustainable Building and Construction Science
CBS102 Construction Materials and Methods
CBS103 Blueprint Reading for the Building Trades
CHE103 General Chemistry 1
CHE104 General Chemistry 2
CHE115 Chemistry of the Human Body
CHE201 Organic Chemistry 1
CHE202 Organic Chemistry 2
CPS101 Computer Science 1 (Java 1)
CPS109 Programming Logic and Design with Python
CPS114 Advanced Microsoft Office
CPS122 Operating Systems
CPS124 Web Fluency
CPS130 Computer Hardware
CPS134 Introduction to Computer Networks
CPS136 Advanced Computer Networks
CPS138 Internet Networking and Security
CPS158 Dreamweaver
CPS168 Introduction to Access
CPS170 Database Theory and Applications
CPS173 Data Management Using Excel
CPS182 Information Systems Disaster Recovery
CPS203 Data Structures
CPS210 Computer Systems Development
CPS222 Visual Basic 1
CPS223 Visual Basic 2
CPS224 Object Oriented Programming in C++
CPS226 Computer Organization and Architecture
CPS240 Web Programming with PHP and MySQL
CPS250 Advanced Network Security
CPS251 Cisco 1: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials
CPS253 Cisco 2: Network Security and Infrastructure
EGS102 Introduction to Engineering
EGS201 Statics
EGS202 Dynamics
EGS204 Strength of Materials
EGS206 Materials Science
EGS211 Introductory Circuit Theory 1 and Laboratory
EGS212 Introductory Circuit Theory 2 and Laboratory
EGS216 Introduction to Digital Logic Design
EGT101 Introduction to Robotics and Automation Systems |
EGT103 Introduction to Computer Numerical Control (CNC) |
EGT105 Quality, Inspection, and Precision Measurement |
GEO108 Environmental Science
GEO110 Meteorology
MAT140A Quantitative Reasoning
MAT143 Introduction to Statistics
MAT143A Introduction to Statistics
MAT143H Introduction to Statistics Honors
MAT144 Math for Elementary Teachers: Numeracy and Algebraic Reasoning
MAT144A Math for Elementary Teachers: Numeracy and Algebraic Reasoning
MAT146 Math for Elementary Teachers: Data Analysis, Geometry and Measurement
MAT146A Math for Elementary Teachers: Data Analysis, Geometry and Measurement
MAT151 Precalculus 1 |
MAT151A Precalculus 1 |
MAT152 Precalculus 2 |
MAT241 Discrete Structures
MAT251 Calculus 1
MAT252 Calculus 2
MAT301 Calculus 3
MAT302 Differential Equations
MET105 Basic Machine Operation
PHY201 Physics 1: Mechanics
PHY203 Physics 2: Electricity and Magnetism
PHY222 Physical Properties of Matter