ALH174 Reiki 1 - Traditional Usui Method
ALH176 Theories of Healing
ALH178 Yoga, Meditation, & Stress Management 1
ALH182 Yoga, Meditation, & Stress Management 2
ALH184 Music and Healing
ART102 Art History and Appreciation |
ART108 Art History Survey 1: From Cave to Cathedral
ART109 Art History Survey 2: Renaissance to Contemporary
ART110 Basic Drawing 1 |
ART111 Basic Drawing 2
ART114 Visual Design Theory
ART116 Introduction to Digital Photography
ART118 Painting I
ART201 Painting II
ASL101 Elementary American Sign Language 1 |
ASL102 Elementary American Sign Language 2
CMP102 Composition 2
CMP102H Composition 2 Honors
CMP106 Composition 2: Journalistic Writing
CMP112 Composition 2: Writing about the Short Story
CMP120 Composition 2: Writing About Media
CMP122 Composition 2: Writing about Children's Literature
CMP124 Composition 2: Film and Fiction
CMP126 Composition 2: Writing about Film
CMP148 Composition 2: Writing about Literature and the Environment
CMP149 Composition 2: Writing About African and African American Writers
CMP190 Creative Writing
DAN101 Creative Dance |
DRA102 Introduction to Theatre |
DRA104 Beginning Acting |
DRA105 Acting, Performance, Production |
EVS102 Introduction to Sustainable Living
EVS110 Explorations in Place: The American Four Corners Travel Seminar
FRE101 Elementary French 1 |
FRE102 Elementary French 2
FRE201 Intermediate French 1
FRE202 Intermediate French 2
GWS102 Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies
GWS104 Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies
GWS106 Revolutionary Women: Combating Inequality, Poverty, and Power
GWS201 Masculinities
GWS203 Politics of the Veil
GWS205 Women and War
HIS136 The History of Sexuality
HIS150A History Study-Travel Seminar: World War 1 and European Culture
HIS150B History Study-Travel Seminar: World War II and the Holocaust
HIS200 The Holocaust
HIS201 American Environmental History
HIS202 History of Medicine and Public Health |
HON200 Honors Seminar
HON200C Honors Seminar: The Human Genome
HON200D The Green Economy: Sustainable Businesses and their Social Implications
HON200E I Am Hip-Hop: A Cultural, Artistic, and Social Movement
HON202 Future Studies
HON206 The Meaning of Life in Film, Fiction, and Philosophy
HON210 Exploring the Arts
IDS101 Human Being: Being Human
IDS102C IDS Seminar: Comics in American Culture
IDS102D Popular Culture in the U.S.
IDS102G Attraction and Avoidance: Disability in Popular Culture
IDS105 Art and Poetry Near and Far: From New England to East Asia
IDS108 Information Technology, Society and Culture
IDS112 Introduction to Art, Music, and Literature: From Classics to Pop
IDS142 Global Conflicts and Human Behavior
IDS154 Literature of the Holocaust
IDS172 Secrets, Sins, and Salem: The Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne
IDS190 Keeping Score: Cultures of Sport
LIT101 Sickness and Storytelling
LIT103 Superheroes, Sleuths, and Singing Souffles: Adaptation in Pop Culture
LIT105 Hip-Hop as Literature
LIT107 A Sense of Place: Exploring Greater Boston through Literature & Media
LIT109 Basho to Beyonce: Introduction to Poetry
LIT202 British Literature 1: Eighth Century to Nineteenth
LIT204 British Literature 2: Nineteenth Century to |
LIT206 World Literature 1: Ancient World to Eighteenth Century
LIT208 World Literature 2: Eighteenth Century to |
LIT210 American Literature 1: Colonial Period to the Civil War
LIT212 American Literature 2: Civil War to the Modern Age
LIT214 Lit of the American Peoples 1: American Indian Literature
LIT216 Lit of the American Peoples 2: Latin American Literataure
LNG101 Academic Discourse for Multilingual Students: : Integrated Communication 1
LNG102 Academic Discourse for Multilingual Students: Writing 1
LNG103 Academic Discourse for Multilingual Students: Integrated Communication 2
LNG104 Academic Discourse for Multilingual Students: Writing 2
MDA107 Introduction to Digital Media Literacy |
MDA108 Television Studies: The Big Picture |
MDA110 Film and Popular Culture
MDA112 American Cinema
MDA116 Introduction to Digital Filmmaking
MDA118 Introduction to Post Production Editing
MDA120 Crime and the Media
MDA201 Media Studies
MDA203 World Cinema
MDA205 Scripting: Storytelling in a Digital Age
MDA211 TV Production: Streaming Technology, Podcasts & Field Production |
MUS101 Introduction to Music Composition |
MUS104 Music Appreciation to 1810 |
MUS106 Music Appreciation from 1810 |
MUS126 Basic Concepts of Music
PHI106 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI116 Ethics
PHI120 Medical Ethics
PHI126 Environmental Ethics
POR101 Elementary Portuguese 1 |
REL102 Great Religions of the World |
REL104 Understanding Islamic Faith
RUS101 Elementary Russian 1 |
SCI104 Understanding Nutrition
SPE102 Speech |
SPE104 Small Group Communication
SPE106 Interpersonal Communication
SPE202 Intercultural Communication
SPE206 Advanced Public Speaking |
SPE208 Communication & Social Activism |
SPN100 Conversational Spanish |
SPN101 Elementary Spanish 1 |
SPN101A Elementary Spanish 1 for Health Professionals |
SPN101B Elementary Spanish 1 for Criminal Justice Careers |
SPN101C Elementary Spanish 1: Business and Finance |
SPN102 Elementary Spanish 2
SPN104 Language and Culture
SPN201 Intermediate Spanish 1
SPN202 Intermediate Spanish 2
SPN260 Conversational Spanish - Advanced