ANT102 Cultural Anthropology
ECO103 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO104 Principles of Microeconomics
EVS102 Introduction to Sustainable Living
EVS110 Explorations in Place: The American Four Corners Travel Seminar
GWS102 Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies
GWS104 Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies
GWS106 Revolutionary Women: Combating Inequality, Poverty, and Power
GWS201 Masculinities
GWS203 Politics of the Veil
GWS205 Women and War
HIS103 United States History 1
HIS104 United States History 2
HIS110 Russia and the Soviet Union Since 1917
HIS118 Islam, Revolution, and the Modern Middle East
HIS122 Women in American History
HIS124 African-American History
HIS126 The World in the 20th Century
HIS131 World History 1
HIS132 World History 2
HIS134 European History Since 1789
HIS136 The History of Sexuality
HIS150A History Study-Travel Seminar: World War 1 and European Culture
HIS150B History Study-Travel Seminar: World War II and the Holocaust
HIS200 The Holocaust
HIS201 American Environmental History
HIS202 History of Medicine and Public Health |
HON200 Honors Seminar
HON202 Future Studies
HON208 Honors Seminar: Economics Fed Challenge Course
IDS101 Human Being: Being Human
IDS102G Attraction and Avoidance: Disability in Popular Culture
IDS108 Information Technology, Society and Culture
IDS126 Exploring the Brain/Mind
IDS136 Martin and Malcolm: Advocates for Human Rights
IDS142 Global Conflicts and Human Behavior
IDS154 Literature of the Holocaust
IDS190 Keeping Score: Cultures of Sport
MDA107 Introduction to Digital Media Literacy |
MDA201 Media Studies
MDA207 Facts & Fakes: Navigating News |
PLS102 American National Government and Politics
PLS104 State and Local Government in America
PLS106 Introduction to International Relations
PSY102 Introduction to Psychology
PSY110 Organizational Psychology and the Workplace
PSY112 Introduction to Gerontology
PSY136 Perspectives on Child Abuse
PSY140 Death and Dying
PSY142 Human Sexual Behavior
PSY200 Psychology of Gender and Women
PSY202 Child Psychology
PSY204 Human Growth and Development
PSY206 Social Psychology
PSY208 Theories of Personality
PSY210 Abnormal Psychology
PSY212 Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences
SCI104 Understanding Nutrition
SOC106 Introduction to Sociology
SOC108 The Sociology of Diversity
SOC110 Juvenile Offenders
SOC114 Community Issues and Civic Engagement
SOC120 Sociology of Work and Labor
SOC128 School Violence: Causes and Consequences
SOC202 Race, Gender, and Class
SOC204 Criminology
SOC208 Sociology of Families
SPE106 Interpersonal Communication