BIO211 Anatomy and Physiology 1
This is the first semester of a one-year course that studies the human body. It is primarily designed for those students pursuing majors in the health professions. Topics include tissues, and the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems including the organs of special sense, and a review of basic chemistry and cellular structure and function. Laboratory work is designed to supplement the lecture material. Fulfills open, liberal arts, and with BIO212, the laboratory science sequence electives. (3 hours of lecture and 2 hours of laboratory per week). Pre-requisite equivalents for BIO211 include: TEAS - Science section score of 50 or higher (no time limit), LPN Certificate (no time limit), CLEP test with a score of 50 or higher, High School Biology with a grade of C or better taken within 5 years, AP Biology Test with a score of 3 or better with the last 5 years, Bachelor's degree or higher in Biological science or chemistry. Formerly BIO103
Communications & Mathematics Proficiency and BIO101 or BIO105 with a C or better. For pre-requisite equivalency information, please see below.
- FSN - Food Tech Directed Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- LS - Lab Science Elective
- MTS - Mass Transfer Science
- MTSL - Mass Transfer Science Lab
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SCI - Science Elective
- SSEQ - Lab Science Sequence Elective
- STEM - STEM Elective