BIO212 Anatomy and Physiology 2
Continuation of Anatomy and Physiology 1. Topics include the digestive, respiratory, urogenital, and circulatory systems and the endocrines. Laboratory work is designed to supplement the lecture material and includes dissection of the fetal pig. Fulfills open, liberal arts, and with BIO211, laboratory science sequence electives (3 hours of lecture and 2 hours of lab per week.)
BIO211 with 'C' or better.
- FSN - Food Tech Directed Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- LS - Lab Science Elective
- MTS - Mass Transfer Science
- MTSL - Mass Transfer Science Lab
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SCI - Science Elective
- SSEQ - Lab Science Sequence Elective
- STEM - STEM Elective
- TRH - Career Transition Elective