BIO105 Biology 1: General Biology 1
This is the first semester of a two-semester course which studies the basic principles of biology. It is designed for those students pursuing a major in the life sciences. This course examines the cellular basis of life from an evolutionary perspective. Topics include the chemistry, structure and function of the cell, genetics, as well as an introduction to genomes, proteomes and bioinformatics. An emphasis will be placed on the relationship between scientific principles and scientific process. Laboratory work enhances lectures and develops laboratory skills. Non- science majors and students pursuing entry into health profession programs should take BIO101. Fulfills open, liberal arts, laboratory science, science, and STEM electives. Fulfills laboratory science sequence elective when taken with BIO 106 or BIO 102 or BIO 140 or BIO 142 or BIO 144. (3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week)
Communications proficiency and STEM Math Level 3; For more information regarding math prerequisites, please visit:
Fall only
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- LS - Lab Science Elective
- MTS - Mass Transfer Science
- MTSL - Mass Transfer Science Lab
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SCI - Science Elective
- SSEQ - Lab Science Sequence Elective
- STEM - STEM Elective