BIO101 Biology 1: The Basics of Life
An introduction to the basic principles of biology. The course covers the chemistry of the cell, cell structure and function, cell division, genetics and some evolution. The laboratory is designed to enhance lecture and to develop investigative skills. (3 hours of lecture, 2 hours of lab per week) Fulfills open, liberal arts, and lab science sequence elective when taken with BIO102 or BIO128 and BIO130, or BIO140 or BIO 142.
Communications and Mathematics Proficiencies
- DTC - Nutritional Sci Directed Elect
- FSN - Food Tech Directed Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- LS - Lab Science Elective
- MTS - Mass Transfer Science
- MTSL - Mass Transfer Science Lab
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SCI - Science Elective
- SSEQ - Lab Science Sequence Elective
- TRH - Career Transition Elective