PHY201 Physics 1: Mechanics
Calculus-based physics course for students of science and engineering. The general subject covered is mechanics. Topics include: vectors, accelerated motion, Newton's laws of motion, work and energy, momentum, and rotational kinematics and dynamics. Fulfills open, liberal arts, and with PHY 202 or PHY 301 or PHY 302, laboratory science sequence electives. (3 hours of lecture, 2 hours of lab per week.
Communications Proficiency, MAT152 w/'C' or better, or CCMR 56 or above, or NGQA 268 or above and NGAA 237 or above
MAT 251
- EUT - Energy Utility Directed Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- LS - Lab Science Elective
- MTS - Mass Transfer Science
- MTSL - Mass Transfer Science Lab
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SCI - Science Elective
- SSEQ - Lab Science Sequence Elective
- STEM - STEM Elective