2025-2026 College Catalog > Credit Programs > Programs of Study > Certificates
Programs of Study
Accounting Certificate (ACN)
Animal Care Specialist Certificate (ASC)
Biotechnology Certificate (BOC)
Cannabis Certificate (CAN)
Child/Youth Advocacy Certificate (CYA)
Community Health Worker Certificate (CHW)
Computer Aided Design Certificate (CAI)
Computer Networking Certificate (CKC)
Cosmetology Certificate (ZCS)
Construction and Building Science Certificate (CBC)
Developmental Disabilities Direct Support Certificate (DSC)
Dietary Management Certificate (DMC)
Digital Video Production Certificate (DVP)
Early Childhood Educator Certificate (ECE)
Early Childhood Infant/Toddler Educator (ITC)
Elder Advocate Certificate (EAC)
Entrepreneurship (ENT)
Gender & Women's Studies Certificate (GWSC)
Graphic Design Certificate (GDC)
Healthcare Business Management Certificate (HCMC)
High Tech Manufacturing Management Certificate (HTMC)
Horticulture Certificate (HRC)
Medical Assisting Certificate (MAC)
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Certificate (MNC)
Office Support Certificate (OFC)
Paralegal Certificate (PAC)
Practical Nursing Certificate (PNR)
Quality Assurance and Control for the Biotechnology Industry Certificate (BQC)
Social Media Marketing (SMC)
Substance Addiction Counseling Certificate (SAC)