High School Equivalency and Adult Literacy Service HiSET® (High School Equivalency Testing)
Adult Learning College & Career Readiness Center: Education and Career Exploration
The Adult Learning College & Career Readiness Center offers FREE academic and career readiness classes and training to assist adult learners with the completion of their high school education and beyond. Throughout the academic year of September to June, High School Equivalency Test (HiSET or GED) prep courses prepare students for the exams in order to help them pursue further education, job training or employment advancement.
The Adult Learning College & Career Readiness Center in Danvers offers students three levels of classes. Students are placed by their Reading Skill level. The Adult Learning College & Career Readiness Center in Lynn offers one level of class for students who can read English at the high school level. All classes are taught in English. Professional instructors, assisted by experienced volunteers, teach the small-sized classes. Students progress at their own pace.
In addition, an online preparation Distance Learning curriculum is offered for students who cannot attend classes in person. They are supported by a College & Career Advisor and an Instructor, but the curriculum is designed for individualized study rather than as an organized class. Lastly, a 20-week MassSTEP Information Technology (IT) training course is available twice a year for students with OR without a high school credential who are interested in an IT career.
What skills are taught in our classes?
- Academic and Professional Skills
- Critical Thinking and enhanced Digital Literacy
- Civics Education & Workforce Preparation
- Reading - Vocabulary skills to reading comprehensionWriting - Grammar, punctuation and essay/report writing
- Math - Basic arithmetic to algebra and geometry
- Science concepts from biology to earth science
For more information, contact us at (978) 236-1227 or
srandell@northshore.edu or visit http://www.northshore.edu/adult-learning/. A student video on the webpage entitled The Time is Now shares insights from former students about their experiences at the Adult Learning College & Career Readiness Center.
For volunteer opportunities, contact Stacy Randell-Shaheen at srandell@northshore.edu.
Adult Learning Center to: Adult Learning College & Career Readiness Center is funded by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
Adult Learning College & Career Readiness Center
The Adult Learning College & Career Readiness Center is a college and career readiness grant program funded by the Adult Community Learning Services (ACLS) division of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Individuals who are planning to take the High School Equivalency Test examination begin by making an intake assessment appointment to determine class placement. To do so, interested applicants contact Erin O’Brien at eobrien08@northshore.edu to schedule an appointment. An assessment tool is administered and learning options are discussed prior enrollment.
Individuals who have been assessed may be eligible for free HiSET® or GED preparation classes in mathematics, reading, social studies, science and writing. Eligible students are placed in one of three levels of classes that meet both Fall and Spring Semesters. All class levels in Danvers run three mornings per week. An additional advanced level class is offered three evenings per week on the Lynn campus. Students placed in classes are required to demonstrate continued progress, sign an attendance commitment, and are assigned a College & Career Advisor to assist with “next steps” planning while enrolled. They are followed by an Advisor for one year after graduation to offer guidance and support for student goals.
In addition to classroom instruction, individual tutoring is available within the classes and remotely with the assistance of community volunteers.
The Distance Learning option is available year-round. Students must commit to at least five hours per week of study in order to make sufficient progress toward their goals. The enrollment process begins with the same step of making an intake assessment appointment.
The MassSTEP IT training program offered by the Adult Learning College & Career Readiness Center is an integrated and specialized IT and Academic & Workplace Skills 20-week course. It is offered twice per academic year - once in September and once in February. Students must demonstrate high school level English reading skills in order to be eligible. It is open to students with or without a high school credential. Students without a high school credential study for HiSET or GED exams in addition to other IT certifications and completion of classroom projects in order to complete their high school education while preparing for a job in the IT field. A formal interview process is required before admission. Interested students can contact the MassSTEP IT Coordinator, Stephanie Moriarty, at smoriart@northshore.edu. IT internships may be available upon program completion.
High School Equivalency Testing Information
Individuals who seek a State High School Equivalency Credential in order to enter college, begin an educational training program, or qualify for employment may arrange to register for the HiSET® examination at the HiSET® website or the GED, choosing NSCC as the test center. The HiSET® examination program is under the jurisdiction of ETS (Education Testing Service) and the Massachusetts Department of Education. After the official registration process is completed, HiSET® or GED applicants are scheduled for the battery of five examinations at either the Lynn or Danvers Campus, or at other sites around the North Shore. As the testing formats are different, students can combine HiSET and GED scores if needed in order to pass. Testing fees are now paid by the state of Massachusetts to eliminate any financial barriers.
The examinations, which are designed to measure attainment of high school competencies, include: Language Arts/Writing (with essay); Social Studies; Science; Language Arts/Reading; and Mathematics. Examinations are administered throughout the calendar year. Individuals with documented disabilities are encouraged to apply to HiSET® for special testing accommodations.
More information about the HiSET® examination and preparation tools are available through the official HiSET® website, hiset.ets.org or by contacting the CAS at hiset@northshore.edu. Information and study guides for the GED can be found at https://ged.com/.
Extra time for HiSET testing is available to students whose native language is not English and/or students with learning differences. In addition to a personal letter, requests require a teacher or advisor assessment of need to approve the extra time.
If you need a copy of your HiSET or GED transcript, contact Diploma Sender at 855-313-5799.