Free tutoring services are located at Danvers and Lynn Campuses and online. Individual and small group tutoring sessions are provided by peer and professional tutors in subjects including math, business, science, composition, English as a Second Language, and most other academic courses and skill areas. Day, evening, and some weekend hours are advertised each semester. Students may make appointments, drop in to check availability, or use the areas for quiet study. Both credit and non-credit students are invited to use tutoring services.
Tutoring centers are equipped with supplementary texts, computers with related software, math videos, and reference books. Online (virtual) tutoring is available through videoconference. In addition, several courses have embedded tutors, where a peer tutor who has previously excelled in the course material helps to academically support the class through individual or group tutoring sessions. All peer tutors train via our rigorous program that is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association’s International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC).
Peer Coaching Program
North Shore Community College offers the peer coaching program in both Lynn and Danvers campus, as well as online. By meeting individually with peer coaches, students can work on developing an academic success plan, improving their time management, improving their study skills and strategies, and learn more about expectations and opportunities that the college experience has to offer new and returning students. Peer coaches are trained following the College Reading and Learning Association’s International Peer Educator Training Program.
The program also supports students who are in academic suspension or academic probation through professional success coaches. Appointments can be made via Navigate, or as drop ins in both the Lynn and Danvers Tutoring Centers. You can also reach out to us via email at coaching@northshore.edu to help you set up an appointment or learn more about how the program works.