Student Support
Academic Advising
North Shore Community College is committed to student success by ensuring that all students are assessed and placed in courses which are appropriate to their academic skills. Students who cannot document proficiency (see Basic Skills Core/Proficiency Requirements) are required to complete Computerized Placement Tests (CPTs) to establish current ability in reading, writing, and math. The results of CPTs are used to determine appropriate course placement. These tests also verify communications and/or math proficiency for courses listing these as prerequisites. Students may drop in for testing at the Center for Alternative Studies on either campus. Review materials are available online at
Results of placement tests may indicate need for courses in reading, writing, and/or math at the pre-college level. These foundation classes are designed to prepare students for college level courses required for a degree or certificate program. These courses are developmental in nature and do not count toward a degree or certificate and are not transferable to another college.
Students whose first language is not English are assessed in the Center for Alternative Studies to evaluate their English speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills and to determine appropriate placement into ESL classes.
The Student Support & Advising Center
Danvers and Lynn Campuses
The Student Support and Advising Center is dedicated to helping all students realize their fullest academic and personal potential. Comprehensive services are available to help students clarify goals, identify career interests, build confidence and academic skills, overcome obstacles to personal development, and promote academic success. Hours are posted at each campus location and on the web at
Career Exploration
Focusing on a specific career goal often provides the necessary focus for a student to be successful. Several career exploration services are available. The Student Support and Advising Center has a computerized career exploration system called Mass CIS DISCOVER. Students use this program to explore career options and meet with an academic advisor or the Career Exploration Advisor throughout the process to set flexible educational and career goals. Additionally, students and alumni are offered assistance with competitive resume preparation and cover letters, techniques for successful interviewing, and handling workplace challenges and situations.