Available Testing
High School Equivalency Testing
Massachusetts accepts two tests to document high school equivalent learning, the HiSET® and GED®. Both tests are a total of 7+ hours long and assess Language Arts Reading/Writing, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. The HiSET® and GED® tests are offered at North Shore Community College in Lynn or Danvers. Prospective students can get more information and register for the HiSET® test at www.HiSET.org. For information or to register for the GED®, please visit www.GED.com.
Entrance Exams for Health Programs
Satisfactory achievement on an entrance examination is required for admission to many North Shore Community College health programs. Candidates for special admissions health programs may arrange to take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) entrance examinations through the Center for Alternative Studies and Educational Testing. These tests assess reading comprehension, English, Science, and Mathematics skills to determine potential success in these programs.
North Shore Community College Course-Related Testing
The Center for Alternative Studies and Educational Testing (CAS) provides for make-up and accommodated testing for classroom courses, online and distance learning testing, and nurse education unit tests. Faculty members provide CAS staff with the tests and directions about test administration. CAS staff proctor student testers and return the completed tests to the faculty member.
Testing for Other Colleges or Agencies
NSCC is a member of the National College Testing Association (NCTA). As part of its overall function as a testing center, the Center for Alternative Studies and Educational Testing (CAS) provides supervision of exams from external agencies or institutions. Students make arrangements for CAS testing personnel to receive information about test administration requirements. CAS makes a contractual agreement to receive, administer, and return the completed test to the originating agency.
Advanced Placement (AP)
The College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP) provides participating high schools the opportunity to offer college-level coursework to students in a variety of subject areas. Upon completion of an AP course, the high school student may take an AP examination. AP scores range from 1 to 5 points. AP scores of 3, 4, and 5 are commonly acceptable as the equivalent of college- level course work. North Shore Community College awards academic credit as indicated in the AP Policy & Procedures (https://www.northshore.edu/cas/credit/examination-credit.html). Students with eligible AP scores must have an official AP score report sent from The College Board. To order an AP score report, visit the College Board AP website. Scores typically take 2 - 3 weeks to process.
Certification Exams
CompTIA, Surgical Technology, and Medical Assisting Certification exams are currently administered in CAS. Other credentialing exams may be proctored by special arrangement with the Testing Center.
Language Proficiency Testing
Students who are proficient in languages other than English may earn up to 12 credits for their language skills. NSCC administers Brigham Young University Foreign Language Achievement Tests (BYU FLATS) and New York University Language Proficiency Tests, CLEP, and ALTA language exams. Exams are available in more than 50 languages. Academic credit is awarded to NSCC students who pass examinations at a performance level of C or better.
CPS100 Challenge Exam
The Information Technology and its Applications Challenge Exam allows NSCC students the opportunity to demonstrate competencies in computer concepts and applications. Successful completion of this exam satisfies CPS100 pre-requisites, however no credit is given.
Departmental Exams
Departmental Examinations are faculty-prepared examinations for cataloged NSCC courses other than those covered by national exam programs. Departmental Exam Policy and Procedures require that students request an exam through CAS and then work with an instructor to learn about and arrange for testing.
Contact testing@northshore.edu for information.