EVS110 Explorations in Place: The American Four Corners Travel Seminar
Through the unifying lens of place studies, the course will focus on the Intersections of people, cultures, and landscapes in the American Southwest's "Four Corners" region. Students will read texts by Native American, Hispano, and Angeleno writers that inform and dramatize the natural environment and human settings of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado and travel to related literary and Historical locations where environmental geography and human culture merge. Overall, the course will provide students the hands-on-opportunity to investigate the complex relationships between people and places in a region characterized by striking natural landscapes and extended human history. Fullfills open, liberal arts, humanities, social science electives.
CMP 101 and Mathematics Proficiency
- EVT - Environmental Stud Dir Elective
- HUM - Humanities Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- MTBS - Mass Transfer Behav Science
- MTHA - Mass Transfer Humanities Arts
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SOSC - Social Science Elective