SOC108 The Sociology of Diversity
This course offers a strong sociological analysis of diversity and cultural competence in the United States. It provides a foundation designed to increase student’s awareness, knowledge, and critical thinking skills in relation to diversity in social institutions. A major emphasis will be on examining intersectionality, oppression, and social justice. While focusing on macro and micro sociological frameworks, the integrative approach of this course also incorporates relevant concepts in social psychology, anthropology, and cultural histories in order to understand the complex dynamics between the individual, groups, and society in our multicultural world. Fulfills open, liberal arts, social science, and behavioral science electives.
Communications Proficiency
- BEH - Behavioral Science Elective
- CRJ - Criminal Justice Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- MTBS - Mass Transfer Behav Science
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SOSC - Social Science Elective