MAT143H Introduction to Statistics Honors
This course is an introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics and the basic laws of probability as used in business, social science, or education. Topics examined are: frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, normal distributions, confidence intervals, sampling, introduction to hypothesis testing, correlation, and linear regression. Other topics such as chi-square distribution and F-distribution will be covered as time permits. The course emphasizes the practical understanding and use of concepts and procedures essential to statistical analysis. Fulfills open, liberal arts and mathematics electives. This is an Honors section emphasizing high level critical thinking skills and will include an applied project completed in each unit utilizing statistical software. Students do not have to be in the Honors Program to enroll in this course.
Communications Proficiency and STEM Math Level 3; For more information regarding math prerequisites, please visit:
- DTC - Nutritional Sci Directed Elect
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- MATH - Mathematics Elective
- MTM - Mass Transfer Mathematics
- NDIR - Nurse Ed Directed Elective
- OPEN - Open Elective
- STEM - STEM Elective