GWS102 Introduction to GLBTQ Studies
This course examines the historical, scientific, and cultural developments that have contributed to the formation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, and queer identities and communities within contemporary literature, politics, and society. Through written and visual texts, the course identifies major themes and trends among GLBTQ identities and offers opportunities for further individual exploration. Students will also consider the uses and approaches of queer theory as an analytical tool with focus on non-heterosexuality within a heterosexually-dominant society. Fulfills open, liberal arts, social science, and humanities electives
Communications Proficiency
- BEH - Behavioral Science Elective
- HUM - Humanities Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- MTBS - Mass Transfer Behav Science
- MTHA - Mass Transfer Humanities Arts
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SOSC - Social Science Elective