CPS222 Visual Basic 1
Introduction to programming using Visual Basic.NET. Structured programming and development techniques will be studied. This language provides all the tools needed to create interactive programs for Microsoft Windows applications. Event-driven code will be created and evaluated. Concepts covered will include creation and use of controls, building the user interface, using variables and constants, using the selection structures, modifications of the properties of objects, mathematical functions. Extensive hands-on, independent work will be required. Fulfills open, liberal arts and computer language electives. (4 hours of lecture per week)
- CLNG - Computer Language Elective
- CPS - Computer Science Elective
- EUT - Energy Utility Directed Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- NDIR - Nurse Ed Directed Elective
- OPEN - Open Elective
- STEM - STEM Elective
- WD - Web Development