Conduct - Disciplinary Procedures - Due Process
The College considers students as mature and responsible individuals, and, as adults, they are held accountable for their actions at all times. Rules and regulations are kept to a minimum and students are advised to use good judgment.
The College recognizes its obligation to guarantee rights of its students and will protect its community from persons who violate its own rules and regulations and those of the Federal Government, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the Board of Higher Education. It also extends due process to persons alleged to have violated rules and regulations.
The College may apply sanctions when student conduct directly and significantly interferes with the College’s primary educational responsibility of ensuring all members of the College community’s attainment of educational objectives; or directly and significantly interferes with the College’s responsibility for protecting the health and safety of persons in the College community; or violates local, state, or federal criminal statutes while on College premises or during participation in a College activity. For a detailed description of proscribed conduct and disciplinary/due process policies and procedures, see the
Student Code of Conduct.
Note: Certain academic programs or student organizations have behavior guidelines and related policies and procedures that apply to their students.
For further information, contact the Academic Division Deans or Director of Student Engagement.