Funeral Service (FNS)
2025-2026 Personal Services Pathway
Associate in Applied Science, Human Services & Emergency Response Pathways Division
Recommended Course Selection Sequence
CMP101 | Composition 1 | 3 |
HLS102 | Anatomy & Physiology for Allied Health | 4 |
PSY102 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
FNS102 | Introduction to Funeral Service | 2 |
SPE106 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
SOC106 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
CHE115 | Chemistry of the Human Body | 4 |
BUS100 | Introduction to Business | 3 |
FNS103 | Funeral Directing I | 3 |
FNS104 | Microbiology for Funeral Service | 3 |
ACC108 | Financial Accounting | 3 |
PSY140 | Death and Dying | 3 |
FNS203 | Funeral Directing II | 3 |
FNS201 | Theory of Embalming I | 3 |
FNS202 | Embalming I Clinical | 1 |
BUS102 | Business Law | 3 |
FNS204 | Pathology for Funeral Service | 3 |
REL102 | Great Religions of the World | 3 |
FNS206 | Cremation | 2 |
FNS207 | Theory of Embalming II | 3 |
FNS208 | Embalming II Clinical | 1 |
FNS210 | Restorative Art | 4 |
FNS212 | Funeral Service Law | 3 |
SPE202 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
FNS214 | Funeral Service National Board Exam | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: 72
Program Notes
- Special admissions requirement
- Day Program
Campus Information
Additional Graduation Requirements
- Culumative CLGPA at or above 2.0
- Submit your intent to graduate form at:
Advising Notes
This program is designed to provide the necessary technical skills, academic background, hands-on experience, and professional attitudes that will prepare the student become a fully-licensed funeral director and embalmer.
This is a hybrid program.
Classes are scheduled on Tuesdays only for the duration of this program to allow minimal time on campus while still maintaining full-time status.
Courses are listed in the recommended order you should take them.
Many courses have prerequisite requirements that must be fulfilled to be eligible to enroll in the course.
If you intend to graduate from this program in two years, you should take careful consideration to enroll in all the courses recommended for each semester of this program specifically detailed in the college catalog.
Taking classes in the winter intersession and summer can accelerate your time to degree completion.
All student degree audits for graduation purposes will be based off the official program of study the student is enrolled in.